MIDLAND INDUSTRIES 38869 90 deg Swivel Elbow, 3/8 in Hose Barbed x 5/16 in Male Inverted Flared, Brass
159EIS 3/8 X 5/16 ELBOW
Please call for price and availability.
Specification | Value |
Connection Size 1 | 3/8 in |
Connection Size 2 | 5/16 in |
Connection Type | Barbed|Male Inverted Flared |
Connection Type 1 | Hose Barbed |
Connection Type 2 | Male Inverted Flared |
Fitting Type | 90 deg Elbow |
Material | Brass |
Material Construction | Brass |
Maximum Operating Pressure | 150 psi |
Operating Temperature | -40 to 160 deg F |
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Industry Crossover Numbers |
08722-0605 |