All New Midland Industries Website Updates!
You read it right everyone! On November 8th, 2020 Midland Industries website will feature individual user log-ins and individual user shopping carts! We know that changes to websites can be confusing but don’t fret! Here is a step by step walkthrough on everything you will need to know, before the update, on the day of the update and after the update!
What new features are coming with this website update?
– Individual Users can now have their Own Personal Login. No more needing to share one throughout your entire company
– Individual logins now contain individual shopping carts. No more having to share the shopping cart with your co-worker.
– Midland Industries customer service representatives will no longer have your personal login information, but can still help you update your password.
– Password reset feature is now available to individual users who have forgotten their passwords!
What do I need in order to get my individual user login?
When opening the Midland Industries website login page you will be greeted with a new login screen just like you see below. You should be able to log in as usual. Saved passwords should still work! Just in case you hit a snag, you should make sure you have the following information:
-Midland Industries Account Number (please see how to get your account number below if you do not have it already)
-Your Midland Industries Authorization code.

How do I set up an individual login?

Once you have successfully logged in, go to the Account Manager home page.
Then, scroll down to the Account Links section and click “Register a new email account”.

Next, fill in your name, email, and a strong password to secure your account.
Once you have successfully created an account, log out and log in again using the email and password you used to register.
Now you have your own cart and preferences! You will still be able to see company-level order history, invoices, and pricing, as well as edit saved orders, Brass Catalog Shop, logo, and part numbers along with the rest of your co-workers.
How can I get my Midland Industries Account Number?
This is something we recommend you obtain before the website update. So this means you will have until November 7th, 2020 in order to obtain you account information. You will need your account number in order to create your personal login. So how can you get your account number you ask? By logging onto our Midland Industries website of course!
Step 1: Log in using your current midland industries account information

This is the current way you log in
Step 2: Click on account manager drop down menu and select account.

This will take you to your account manager home page.
Step 3. Locate your account details towards the bottom of the page and save your account number somewhere you can find it on Nov 8th.

Your account number will be listed under the Account Details section.
I can’t remember my password help!
If you’re reading this, it has probably been some time since you’ve setup your login and now you can’t remember your password! Or you’re reading this because you like to be prepared and would like to know what to do in order to reset your password in case you forget it! Well either way, resetting your password is now easier than ever!
All you have to do is click on our nice new, forgot password button and you will receive an email detailing how to reset your password! NO WAY! It’s that easy?! No more calls to customer service about my log in information?!?! We know you love talking to our wonderful customer service representatives but we love making your life easier even more!

If you have any further questions not listed on this article feel free to reach out to Midland Industries and we would be more than happy to assist you!